Turku Hypertension Center
A. Jula
Association of work-related psychosocial factors and day-to-day home blood pressure variation: the Finn-Home study
Genetic Risk Score for Intracranial Aneurysms: Prediction of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Role in Clinical Heterogeneity
Effects of altered salt intake and diet on cytokines in humans: A 20-week randomized cross-over intervention study
Association between arterial hypertension and liver outcomes using polygenic risk scores: a population-based study
Home blood pressure monitoring schedule: optimal and minimum based on 2122 individual participants' data
Risk of sudden cardiac death associated with QRS, QTc, and JTc intervals in the general population
24-h urinary sodium excretion and the risk of adverse outcomes
Relation of intraventricular conduction delay to risk of new-onset heart failure and structural heart disease in the general population
Phenotypes of masked hypertension: Isolated ambulatory, isolated home and dual masked hypertension
Ambulatory versus home blood pressure monitoring: frequency and determinants of blood pressure difference and diagnostic disagreement
Genome-wide association study of white-coat effect in hypertensive patients
Publisher Correction: Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits
Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits
Ortostaattisen hypotension tutkiminen ja hoito
Genome-wide association study of nocturnal blood pressure dipping in hypertensive patients
Kohonnut verenpaine ja verenpainetauti
Verenkiertoelinten sairaudet
Prevalence and prognosis of ECG abnormalities in normotensive and hypertensive individuals
Kotona mitattu verenpaine kuvaa valtimotaudin riskiƤ paremmin kuin vastaanotolla mitattu
Verenpaineen kotimittaus
Home-measured blood pressure is more strongly associated with atherosclerosis than clinic blood pressure: the Finn-HOME Study